In the name of Allah the Merciful

Home Workout for Beginners: Get Back into Shape in 5 Weeks, Simple Exercises to Do from Your Home

Briar Scot Paget, 1513669362, 151366932X, 978-1513669366, 978-1513669328, 9781513669366, 9781513669328, B08KGS7VBH

English | 2020 | EPUB, Converted PDF

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What you get with this book:

•A complete guide on how to eat healthy without a restrictive diet

•Stories and motivational suggestions that will guide you in times of crisis

•A list of healthy foods and their nutritional values, from all food groups

•Tips on how to achieve a balanced diet

•A list of mental exercises that can be used to stimulate the mind

•Five-week training plan with tips and instructions on how to do them correctly

•Seven day food plan for five weeks with suggestions

•Formation of playlists and a list of motivational audiobooks

The truth is that there has been no success without a small sacrifice. We all need to take some time to focus on ourselves and our needs. A promise to lose all the extra weight in a couple of weeks is tempting, but it's also a lie. It takes time to change your lifestyle. However, you don't have to sacrifice hours of your time to prepare healthy meals and exercise to exhaustion. With this book, you will understand how to balance body and mind to become the best version of yourself.

Bonus: You will get a PDF with the meal plans that you will listen to inside the audiobook.

Do you want to change your lifestyle and lose weight through balanced nutrition and exercise?