In the name of Allah the Merciful

A Virtual Testing Approach for Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Joints in Aircraft Interior

Ralf Seemann, 3662602776, 366260275X, 978-3662602775, 978-3662602751, B07X3CWWB1, 9783662602775, 9783662602751

15 $

English | 2020 | PDF | 20 MB | 210 Pages

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Virtual test methods can contribute to reducing the great effort for physical tests in the development of lightweight products. The present work describes an approach for virtual testing of sandwich panel joints based on the Building Block Approach and the Finite Elements Method. Building on a multitude of physical tests on sandwich materials and joints, adequate sub-models are developed, validated and synthesized to top-level models. The developed approach is eventually applied for the development of a novel sandwich panel joint.