In the name of Allah the Merciful

Anthropogenic Aquifer Recharge: WSP Methods in Water Resources Evaluation Series No. 5

Robert G. Maliva | 3030110850, 3030110834, 9783030110857, 9783030110833, B07RLXNM4Y

15 $

PDF 2020

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The book is an overview of the diversity of anthropogenic aquifer recharge (AAR) techniques that use aquifers to store and treat water.  It focusses on the processes and the hydrogeological and geochemical factors that affect their performance. This book is written from an applied perspective with a focus of taking advantage of global historical experiences, both positive and negative, as a guide to future implementation. Most AAR techniques are now mature technologies in that they have been employed for some time, their scientific background is well understood, and their initial operational challenges and associated solutions have been identified. However, opportunities exist for improved implementation and some recently employed and potential future innovations are presented. AAR which includes managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is a very important area of water resources management and there is no recent books that specifically and comprehensively addresses the subject.