In the name of Allah the Merciful

Applied Systems Analysis: Science and Art of Solving Real-Life Problems

F. P. Tarasenko | 0367472392, 978-0367472399, 9780367472399, B08D7F9LGS

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Any activity is aimed at solving certain problems, which means transferring a system from an existing unsatisfactory problematic state to a desired state. The success or failure of the system depends on how its natural properties were implemented during the planning of improvement and intervention state. This book covers the theory and experience of successfully solving problems in a practical and general way.

This book includes a general survey of modern systems analysis; offers several original results; presents the latest methodological and technological results of the theory of systems; introduces achievements; and discusses the transition from the ideology of the machine age to the ideology of the systems age.

This book will be of interest to both professionals and academicians.