McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2023 Edition
14th Edition, Brian Spilker, Benjamin Ayers, John Robinson, Edmund Outslay, Ronald Worsham, John Barrick, 1265790299, 1265611467, 1265610665, 9781265790295, 9781265611460, 9781265610661, 978-1265790295, 978-1265611460, 978-1265610661, B09V3CPDD7
The bold and innovative McGraw Hill Taxation series is now the most widely adopted code-based Tax title across the country. It's apparent why the clear, organized, and engaging delivery of content, paired with the most current and robust tax code updates, is used by more than 650 schools.
The breadth of the topical coverage, the storyline approach to presenting the material, the emphasis on the tax and non-tax
consequences of multiple parties involved in transactions, and the integration of financial and tax accounting topics make this book ideal for the modern tax curriculum.