In the name of Allah the Merciful

Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Yongchun Xie, Yongjun Lei, Jianxin Guo, Bin Meng, 9813364475, 978-9813364479, B099DNHS1Y, 9789813364479

15 $

English | 2021 | PDF | 10 MB | 435 Pages

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This book presents up-to-date concepts and design methods relating to space dynamics and control, including spacecraft attitude control, orbit control, and guidance, navigation, and control (GNC), summarizing the research advances in control theory and methods and engineering practice from Beijing Institute of Control Engineering over the years. The control schemes and systems based on these achievements have been successfully applied to remote sensing satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, new technology test satellites, Shenzhou manned spacecraft, Tianzhou freight spacecraft, Tiangong 1/2 space laboratories, Chang'e lunar explorers, and many other missions. Further, the research serves as a guide for follow-up engineering developments in manned lunar engineering, deep space exploration, and on-orbit service missions.