In the name of Allah the Merciful

The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing

4th Edition, Mary Zaccagnini, Judith M. Pechacek, B07W6QXG1J, 1284167070, 1284202798, 9781284167078, 9781284202793, 978-1284167078, 978-1284202793

15 $

English | 2021 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 21 MB

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The  Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced  Practice Nursing, continues to be the only complete textbook for all  eight American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of  Doctoral Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. With DNP programs now  found in every state, climbing from 25 to over 300 in the past 13 years,  having a textbook dedicated to the DNP Essentials is imperative as  faculty and students will use it as a template for future and existing  programs.

The  newly revised Fourth Edition features updates and revisions to all  chapters and expands on information relating to the current and future  changes in today’s complex healthcare environment. The text features the  addition of new DNP project resources, with supplemental case studies  highlighting DNP projects and the impact of this work.